Colors of our ADA braille signs shown on your computer will NOT likely be accurate representations of the actual color. This is because computer colors vary based on variations in monitors, monitor settings, computer graphic cards, etc. If you are serious about purchasing our quality ADA braille signage, and are unsure about colors and color combinations, our color sample kit will help you choose the best colors and materials for your decor. Our nominal charge of $10.00 covers the cost of the samples, plus and added charge of $5 shipping for USPS Priority Mail. Sending out color chips assures us that you are comfortable with the colors and materials selected for your signs. For a slight upcharge, our sample kit offering also gives you the option of selecting a discounted sample braille room number sign in one of our popular Sign Series (Vintage, Urban, Economy, Wedge and Wave). This is a great opportunity for you to examine actual sign construction, quality and craftsmanship of a sign series you might be considering.
Contents of the sample kit include the following:
- Sample chips representing our face material colors
- Sample chips representing our accent colors (brushed gold, aluminum, copper, bronze, and cashew)
- Sample chips of our backer plate colors: white and black acrylic, plus our Urban Series backer plate colors
- Optional sample room number sign for additional $5 (choose from any of our popular series: Economy, Elliptical, Urban, Vintage, Wave and Wedge).